Tag Archives: hangover

Discussion of the day: Sequels good or bad

27 Jul

As I just posted something about the hangover my question of the day is the following: are sequals a good thing or should they be prohibited?

Personally I think it can be a hit or a miss – Hangover2 was a total miss, Ironman2 was supposedly even better than number 1 and Lethal Weapon just got better with each Franchise!

Review: Hangover

27 Jul

It’s been 2 years since the first Hangover. Obviously having lived in the UK for more than 3 years it wasn’t my first “HANGOVER” but – this one collided with watching a most hilarious trailer that portrayed my present state of mind quite perfectly.

Maybe I should explain that one of my first things in the morning is checking a large variety of film websites on the search for the latest scoop. So in one of those thorough searches – or not that thorough as I wasn’t feeling my best – I stumbled over this new film called “The Hangover”. I am usually not fan of the so-called bromance movies (Wedding Planner or any other Owen Wilson / Ben Stiller movies spring to mind, and being directed by Todd Williams of “Old School” Fame) but this one seemed different. I was dying of laughter which didn’t bode well with my manager. But I also felt it was a genuine comedy, you know one that is actually funny and not just cringeworthy and pathetic where you simply feel sorry for the protagonist wishing it was all over soon. And yes it helped feeling that I just experienced one of those nights…minus the tiger, baby and missing tooth.

So over the next couple of weeks I was looking out for more information on the film and I wasn’t disappointed – spots, more trailers and even a Gag Reel before the movie got released. But this also built up quite some expectations as there have been so many great trailers that just ended up being a collection of the best scenes and by the time you watched the film you knew ‘em all.

Of course I went on opening night, having had to actually reserve a seat as a lot of people wanted to see this….2 hourse later again I died of laughter (this time no manager to scornfully looking at me) and to my greatest surprise something happened that I never experienced before: people were clapping as the credits rolled. Some were even cheering. And I felt like a mother whose baby just won the nobel peace price – ok maybe just made it down the road on a bike for the first time – having watched the film grow in the media I felt proud to having believed in this film from the get got. Sometimes I wonder if I had felt the same had I not had this extreme hangover when watching the trailer the first time.

So now there is a 2nd. Am I going to watch it – nope! Will it be the same? Most definitely not! That is not to say that the actors and director won’t do good work but from what I take off the trailers and plot summaries – it’s the exact same movie….happening in Bangkok rather than Las Vegas. It’ll be a sequel…and I think I rather stick to the original!